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Website analysis by Jessica

A website is a fundamental marketing strategy when releasing a film. Using the film distribution association site, I watched the presentation by Chris Besseling, on how distributors work to create a successful marketing campaign for each film. She explained that, In a congested market place; a distributors aim was to position a film I a way that it stood out for a target audience. The different elements work together to create a synergetic whole. Also Chris Besseling offered me a series of insights Into how distributors market a film's unique selling point such as a star cast.
Paid for marketing is related to division of media to owned, earned and paid media. It includes paid banner ads and sponsorships, as well as banner ads and paid search marketing. The purpose of using paid media is usually the will to create and build brand awareness or acquire new customer.
Free publicity refers to publicity that is gained through promotional efforts rather than paid media advertising, this can be done through owned media, branding, and advertising on free platforms such as Facebook, twitter, youtube.
 I investigated each different aspect of a marketing campaign for a specific recent film such as;

- Film website 

- Film posters 
- Film trailers 
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Twitter

When I investigated Joker, I found that it used a wide variety of different marketing platforms, I chose to create a collage on the new film:

- The Joker film can be described under a variety of genres; such as action, drama, thriller, adventure and crime
- Marketing for the film started back in August on twitter which included; short clips and photos this continued up until it was released this month
- The official website had the trailer advertised at the top which will draw the target audiences in to watch it and having multiple social media platforms linked on the website allows easy access for the audience to get to.
Cohesive Marketing and advertisement has been present on numerous platforms such as; Facebook, Instagram and twitter with Instagram attracting the target audience
- My collage depicts the different social media platforms and various covers for the film. They help to give the audience a insight into what the film will be about 
- The Joker film is set in 1981, Joker follows Arthur Fleck, a failed stand-up comedian who is driven insane and turns to a life of crime and chaos in Gotham City.Joker centers around an origin of the iconic arch nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. 

1 comment:

  1. YOUR WEBSITE Detailed evidence of genre research that has informed your own production. Thoughtful articulate reflection on your own design process with strong understanding of how to engage your audience. Clear brand cohesion. A particularly creative Shop page with original merchandise. Effective and technically competent website that functions smoothly with convergent links, such as to social media . All genre conventions are convincingly observed.
