FInal trailer by Jessica

TRAILER ANALYSIS 1 - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies 

How does the trailer show that this film is worth coming to see?

  • The unique version of the well-known classic film sets the film apart from others in the same genre. As it is based on a well-known novel the readers will be intrigued to watch it.

 What do you think is the hook of the trailer?

  • The hook is the combination of zombies in a sophisticated seeming film, in the trailer there is a turning point in the middle from classic, relaxing music to rock style This mirrors the contrasting themes of the film 
  • The empowerment of women seen as independent fighters who do not need a man to fight their battles which juxtaposes the message of Pride and Prejudice

What are the features of a trailer?
  • There is clever use of non-diagetic sound in dialogue to narrate us through the story
  • Short, sharp clips are used to convey the most pivotal moments of the film
  • The use of relaxing, elegant music of piano in the background at the beginning with a scenic scene tracking a horse sets out a contemporary film
  • The subtle traditional lighting combined with dancing and extravagant furniture adds to the idealistic setting 
  • The sharp rise in music adds tension to the gory image of the woman face as the camera pans to focus on it in full view 
  • The black screen combined with the sarcastic tone of the voiceover is effective at retaining the audiences interest in the shocking change in convention 
  • Violent sound effects such as blades and explosions to set a theme of combat and thrilling violence, the empowerment of women is risen which gains the readers interest and becomes effective at setting it apart from the novel it is based on
  • We are not shown the story in narrative order
  • They showcase the stars of the film
  •  Some visual images stay on screen for only just enough time for our mind to realise what we are seeing
TRAILER ANALYSIS 2 - In the heart of the sea 

How does the trailer show that this film is worth coming to see?
  • The inclusion of famous actors such as Chris Hemsworth playing the main role shows that the film will be of high quality, it is unique from other films in its genre such as Pirates of the Caribbean as its HD quality and sophisticated CGI makes it a film worth seeing. 
 What do you think is the hook of the trailer?
  • The hook is that it is based on a true story, this makes the violent scenes and fires even more unbelievable, this draws in readers attention as it becomes more relatable
  • Fans of Chris Hemsworth will want to see any film that he stars in
  • The unusual setting in the sea and on a traditional ship sets it apart from other action films and gives the audience something unique 
What are the features of a trailer?
  • The use of black fad in and fade out transitions builds up tension and retains the audiences attention to what will happen next 
  • Tracking shots to follow the movements of the ship cause the audience to feel like they are going on a journey with the characters 
  • The slow pace of the music at the start which builds up quickly when they are faced with the sea creature draws attention to the danger they are facing
  • The reaction shots of Chris Hemsworth focus on his main role in the film 
  • The focus on the main colouring of blue and grey mirrors the life at sea that we are transported into
  • A birds eye view of the sunset over the slowly waving sea is very scenic and makes the audience feel a sense of relaxation before things quickly change to a much more stressful atmosphere that leaves the audience on the edge of their seat
  • Sudden pauses of music that cut out pivotal moments of life or death leave the audience wanting more to know the fate of the characters 

On-line marketing
Chris Beereling
  • Digital strategy is at the fore front of our thinking
  • The perception of the movie is shaped within the digital space
  • Maintaining desired position throughout the marketing process is important to maintain 
  • Engaging with consumers on a personal level
  • By pushing users to engage with the digital content while fans and users generate their own content which is called viral marketing (free)
  • Nowadays there is much more spend on digital marketing, being up to 15% of the budget compared to 0.5% before.

Kezia Williams
  • Digital marketing is the most important strategy and non-digital and digital seem to cross over each other
  • Publicity activity; magazines and newspapers which will be available online as well
  • Mobile and tablets are ubiquitous as users engage with content on their on a daily basis, this may be the first place that an audience would view a trailer rather than in the cinema like before. For example, Star Wars and Bond films 
  • Online debut is important and ensuring it is available to an audience 
  • Considering social media, apps and websites should be a priority 
  • The power of online is potent because it generates conversation around a piece of content; for example trending hashtags on twitter, tagging people in trailer post - reach is huge. This can be enhances by putting more money into this marketing to push it further 
Trailer maker

1 comment:

  1. Evidence of extensive and relevant genre research that has informed your own productions.
    FILM TRAILERS Your work filming, directing and editing has been effective. You have also had to respond creatively to the restrictions imposed by lockdowns which have prevented you and your production team from filming together and from filming in locations originally planned. Equally, your casting has had to be re-arranged. In all these adaptations, you and your team have risen to the considerable challenges.
    Your trailers are sophisticated and technically competent. All genre conventions are convincingly observed. Excellent quality work: evidence of thorough and detailed genre research that informs your own work; articulate reflection about your own trailer. Both products engage audiences effectively through chilling thriller / horror codes using a vulnerable female victim, ominous minor characters, a carefully constructed narrative framework and creative lighting, costumes and sound. You have convincingly created a 1950s boarding school and suggested the dark secrets of its basement for the mise-en-scene.
    TEASER TRAILER: watching your teaser trailer left me in no doubt about the horror genre of this film, nor about the fact that I wanted to watch the whole film. Your editing combines a powerful series of images - some of them very disturbing - with a relentless razor-sharp sound track. The whole is driven by menace, such as the basement scenes with forbidding figures and hints of torture. The teaser introduces the main characters and sets the scene firmly in the boarding school institution with recognisable stereotypes like schoolgirls, matron and figures dressed in scrubs. The schoolgirl's sense of disorientation is clear and the filming of spinning ceilings and flights down stone corridors disorients the audience equally. A teaser must offer just enough to engage an audience and promise so much more, which this does, with superb confidence.
    MAIN TRAILER: You and your production team, Moonlight Productions, carried out a good deal of genre research into trailer conventions as well as into horror / thriller film codes. This is evident from your final productions and from what you write about your aims to include the introduction of the main characters and narrative and the importance of creating suspense through visual codes like lighting and the pace of the editing. You also set out to establish the main enigma - the deadly secret of the Institute - though the contrast between the surface beauty of the Mansion and the secrets of its shadowy basements. Your filming captures this very vividly.
    Amongst the successful shots is the opening scene with the low angle shot of the Mansion and the apprehensive upward glance of the boarding school newcomer. You have gone to a lot of trouble to create a sense of period with your location, sets, references, costumes and props. The staff come across as convincingly menacing, the school girl threatened and in flight from unnamed horrors, and the editing smoothly builds the narrative of the underbelly of sinister activity below stairs, with the soundtrack a strong part of the sense of threat. It builds towards a spine-chilling climax without giving anything away. As a trailer, it ticks all the boxes, with confident use of genre conventions such as fast-paced editing, inter-titles, release date, production company and film title.
