Wednesday, July 8, 2020


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  1. A SIMPLE FAVOUR: you show good understanding of the 'cute noir' genre and explain the shift in tone from cute to sinister well. Your analysis shows real personal engagement and is detailed with specific evidence to support your points, for instance, on hw characters are juxtaposed for contrast, how tension and enigma are created and the part played by pace, foreshadowing and dialogue.

  2. OCEAN'S EIGHT: you identify the genre conventions of this action comedy heist film, such as the build up of pace, the USP freshness of the all-female cast, the spectacle afforded by the high rollers and their glamorous life, and the arresting opening which acknowledges the genre. Perhaps you could explore the comedy a little more especially in the dialogue.

  3. THE INVISIBLE MAN: This is a really terrifying trailer! You show sound awareness of the thriller genre with its jump scares, elements of violence, manipulation of the audience's emotions, the focus on the female protagonist as stereotypical victim, the hints of supernatural and the use of sound. You note the USP of the female victim asserting control. You note trailer genre conventions such as picking action highlights and showcasing the star.
